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Rowlock Connector Installation

This is the general documentation for deploying Rowlock connectors and services. Product-specific settings and instructions can be found on the relevant product page.

Deployment Assets

Upon starting a free trial, you will receive a license (required), a jar file, and a Docker container image which you can use to run the connector. If you are having any trouble with installation, don't hesitate to reach out to


A license is required to use each Rowlock product.

Every Rowlock Connector comes with a 30-day trial license, no payment details required.


We provide JARs as well to support custom deployment scenarios.

JARs vs. Docker Images

We recommend that customers utilize our Docker images for simplicity.

Docker Images

Directions on how to run the proprietary Rowlock container images on different cloud providers.

AWS ECS (Fargate)

To run on AWS ECS, you'll need to push the connector image to the AWS container registry (ECR) to make it accessible to other services, define your cluster, service, and task definitions, and then launch it.

Step 1: Set up ECR

  • Access the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Amazon ECR service.
  • Create a new repository within ECR to store the proprietary Docker image.
  • Follow the provided instructions to configure repository settings, access permissions, and encryption options as per your requirements.
  • Note down the repository URI for future reference.

Step 2: Push Docker Image to ECR

  • Ensure that you have Docker installed locally and configured to authenticate with your AWS account.
  • Build the Docker image locally using the provided proprietary software files and configurations.
  • Tag the Docker image with the ECR repository URI obtained in Step 1.
  • Push the Docker image to ECR using the appropriate Docker commands.
docker load < image-name-1.0.0.tar.gz

docker image ls

Step 3: Set up ECS

  • Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Amazon ECS service.
  • Create a new ECS cluster that will host the proprietary software.
  • Configure cluster settings, including cluster name, networking options, and instance types.
  • Launch the cluster and wait for it to be in an active state.

Step 4: Create Task Definition

  • In the ECS service dashboard, navigate to the "Task Definitions" section.
  • Create a new task definition specifying the required parameters, such as task name, IAM role, CPU, memory, and network configurations.
  • Select the ECR repository and the Docker image pushed in Step 2.
  • Configure any additional settings, such as environment variables and resource limits, based on the software requirements.
  • Save the task definition.

Step 5: Configure ECS Service

  • In the ECS service dashboard, go to the "Services" section.
  • Create a new service and select the cluster created in Step 3.
  • Specify the desired number of tasks to run and the launch type.
  • Choose the task definition created in Step 4.
  • Configure networking, load balancing, and auto-scaling options if necessary.
  • Review the settings and create the service.

Step 6: Running Tasks with License

  • Obtain the proprietary software license key required for running tasks from Rowlock.
  • Add the license key to the task definition environmental variable for accessibility within the ECS
  • Modify the task definition created in Step 4 to include the necessary instructions for using the license file.
  • Update the ECS service to use the modified task definition.
  • Start the ECS service, and the tasks will be launched with the provided license file.
docker run -e BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS='' \
        < other configuration options >
        -e ROWLOCK_IO_LICENSE_KEY='key/eyJhY2NvdW50Ijp7ImlkIjoiODMyYTJkOTQtNTljNi00YzVjLWJiODYtZDMyOasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfadsf==' \

GCP (Cloud Run)


Please note that these commands provide a simplified overview, and you may need to modify them based on your specific requirements and GCP environment.

Step 1: Get a Project

Create or use an existing project - will need the PROJECT_ID in later steps.

Step 2: Push the Docker Image to GCR

Push the provided connector Docker image to Google's Google Container Registry (GCR) or Artifact Registry.

Step 3: Deploy

Deploy it with gcloud run deploy< rest of your args>.



Please note that these commands provide a simplified overview, and you may need to modify them based on your specific requirements and Azure environment.

Step 1: Set up ACR

You will either need to create or use an existing Azure Container Registry (ACR).

Step 2: Push Docker Image to ACR

Step 3: Create ACI or AKS

Create either an Azure Container Instance (ACI) or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Step 4: Configure Deployment

For ACI, specify the container image, resource group, region, and other details in the deployment configuration. For AKS, you need to create a Kubernetes deployment manifest or Helm chart to define your application's deployment configuration.

Step 5: Deploy the Container

In the case of ACI, use the Azure portal or Azure CLI to create a new container instance using the configured deployment settings. For AKS, apply the Kubernetes manifest or Helm chart to deploy your application. Azure will pull the Docker image from ACR and provision the necessary resources to run your container.

Other (IBM, Oracle, etc)

Since Rowlock connectors are delivered as a container image, you should be able to run it on any cloud provider or hosting service that supports containers. Some may require tweaking. If you are having any trouble with installation, or your cloud provider isn't listed above, don't hesitate to reach out to